Our Vision


20/20 is a term used to express the clarity or sharpness of vision. If you have 20/20 vision things appears vividly or credibly to the mind.

20/20 Xperience wants people to feel empowered as they wear our quality products. We are promoting the empowerment to live a positive life that is mission filled while understanding that the key to their success lies in the consistency in pursuing such.

20/20 Xperience is focused on partnering with creatives who produce stories in the form of their artwork while providing opportunities to serve their communities in sustainable ways.

20/20 Xperience wants people to know that being black or brown in America today is a reminder that we are still living in the shadows of true freedom. Being black or brown in America today is a like tattoo that reminds you that our past is still our present. Being black or brown in America today can be eloquently stated by the following quote from Branch Rickey:

“Prejudice towards People of Color is the world’s biggest coward in the face of fact. Proximity – if we can get enough of it – can solve these problems of racial prejudice and bigotry.”

20/20 Xperience gives back by donating to nonprofit organizations committed to the fight against systemic racism, misogyny, xenophobia and inequality.

Put on your armor, summon up your courage, clear your focus and join our 20/20 Xperience Movement.